Saturday, February 5, 2011

mY sImpLe LifE..

I nie owgnye simple jep..ckop la stkt ade fmily yg epy,,kwn2 yg giler2 n of coz la harta karun yg ciput je asalkn 2 sme ley epykn I..hehe..agpon hrte bnde tuh bknnye ley jd partner kte lam kubor nnti kn??tol x?hehe..
Ha,,meh laa knl2 nan my fmly n my frenz yg sgt2 important in my life..challoo!![opps,,trspeaking industan la plak..hehe..] 

                             Nie la abg i..pggl je dye nie x??
tgok la cpe adek nie yg num 2 tw..yg first lom upload pic ag laa..huhu..        
wahh!!skang da pndai posing lak abg i nie..macho gitu..:p

 Ahahh!!nie plak adek2 i yg kecik..ade ag 2 owg tp da bsar..nnti la i ltak pic dowg  tuh oke !

saye la pangeran plg kecik lam fmily nie..=)
eish!smpat ag  'pose' pkai bju pj skola..hehe..

Eh ! ramainyer owg lam pic nie..ha,,lw kowg na tw,,nie la sme mmbe2 i..yg laki kt tgh tuh cekgu ksygn ktowg..[we lebiu mr.teo !..mmuahhx !]

Kenangan terindah taon akhir pskolahan wif mr.Teo..=(

emm,,yg nie plak mmbe2 i yg giler2 smenye..tnpe dowg nie,,x lgkap la idop i..[luv u ols girls !]hehe..
Geng kapak..! huuhhh! !:D

Oke la,,mate i pon da ngantok nie..i ase baek i pegi bradu di kamar i dlu..when i'm free,,we'll walkie-talkie ag oraitt??
gud nyte u'ols..

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:: Heart of Music :D ::

Indah Cintaku

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